*Humanity continued: Many regional, national, Their (New Business Models) Changed Humanity* and international food merchants have similarly, and significantly impacted humanity. Our mission is to partner with those organizations that value the development of personal relationships while they "feed humanity" with face-to-face-engaging service. >ViÌv>ViÊi}>}iiÌÊÃÌ>ÀÌÃÊVÛiÀÃ>ÌÃÊi>`}ÊÌÊ decisions that make or break brands ÕÊ-iÀÛViÊ >iÀÞÊ>ÌÊÌ iÊiÊ ÕÌiÀ "À`iÀÊ ÀÌ `>ÞÊ >iÃ]Ê*>ÀÌÞÊ/À>ÞÃ]Ê >ÌiÀ}]Ê*>ÀÌÞÊi>Ê*>} º ivÊ+Õ>ÌÞ»Ê iÜÊ*À`ÕVÌ]Ê*ÀÛ>ÌiÊ>LiÊÌÀ`ÕVÌ 7À`vÕÌ ÊVÛiÀÃ>ÌÃÊÌ >ÌÊÌ>iÊ«>ViÊÊ>ÊÃÌÀiÊ>ÀiÊv>ÀÊ >`Ê>Ü>ÞÊÌ iÊÃÌÊiÞÊÌÊVÕ`iÊ>VÌÛiÊÀiVi`>ÌÃÊÌÊ buy or try the brand being discussed, and earn the highest levels of purchase intent.* Photo by Robert Hanashiro ÊÜiÊiÝiVÕÌi`ÊÜÀ`vÕÌ ÊV>«>}ÊÌÕÀÃÊÞÕÀÊ customer force into a sales force / iÊÃÌÊÕVÀ>ÌÛiÊÃV>ÊÃÌÀ>Ìi}iÃÊ>ÀiÊL>Ãi`ÊÊÌ iÊ «ÜiÀÊvÊViVÌ}Êv>ViÌv>Vi / Ài>ÌiÃÊ>Ê«>ÌvÀÊvÀÊ>Ê ÕÃÌiÀÊVµÕÃÌÊ*ÀÌ> c 80% of customers say the iÝ«iÀiViÊ>ÊV«>ÞÊ«ÀÛ`iÃÊ is as important as its products and services** a e Photo from CEO Magazine 6JG(CEGVQ(CEG$QQMD[ 'F-GNNGTCPF$TCF(C[ 5CNGU(QTEG4GUGCTEJ 5CNGUHQTEGEQO e d ,QYLWDWLRQ / iÊÛÌ>ÌÊÃÊÌ iÊ foundation for customer recruitment )TGGVKPI It all starts here