%H\RQG6PDUW™ ACQUIRE er h as aF ace .. . Ex tend an Invi tati on N EW CUSTOMERS ,-41 The tendency of an impression created in the deli to influence opinion in the bakery. When your " Brand " is so strong that new products get lift, just because. Customer Acquisition Portal TM The deli is the only touchpoint that can be cost effective in acquisition and maintenance of customers. Word of Mouth This is the strongest possible advertisement for the deli. UÊ-iÀÛViÊVÀi>ÌiÃÊÌ iÊÌÛ>ÌÊÃÊÌ >ÌÊVÕÃÌiÀÃÊÌ>Ê>LÕÌÊÊÌ iÊ product, service or brand spontaneously UÊ-V>Êi`>Ê>ÀiÌ}Ê`i«i`ÃÊÕ«ÊÜÀ`vÕÌ " The Experience " Ev e ry Cus tom Creates a stronger relationship between the customer and the brand. UÊ84% of customers say the experience is as important as the products and services* UÊ Ài>ÌiÃÊ>Ê«>ÌvÀÊvÀÊ>Ê ÕÃÌiÀÊVµÕÃÌÊ*ÀÌ>Ò ® engagement Deli associates must be selected on the basis of their people/interpersonal skills. UÊ }>}}ÊÜÌ ÊVÕÃÌiÀÃÊÊ>ÊÀi>ÌiÊVÛiÀÃ>ÌÊÌÊVÀi>ÌiÊ>ÊiÌ>Ê `Û`Õ>âi`ÊiÝ«iÀiViÊ-ÌÜÜ>ÞÊi}>}iiÌ® ,QYLWDWLRQ The invitation is the foundation for customer recruitment. )TGGVKPI It all starts here. /'/HI%Q+PE6TCFGOCTMURTQRGTV[QH/'/HI%Q+PErDG[QPFUOCTVFGNKEQOrFGNKDWFF[EQOGPICIGOGPV &RYHUHGE\RQHRUPRUHRIWKHIROORZLQJ863DWHQWV ''2WKHU86 IRUHLJQSDWHQWVSHQGLQJhttp://beyondsmartdeli.com http://deli-buddy.com/engagement