169 million metric tons of CO2 emitted. prevented. For20years and counting, our partners'success is measured by implementingfreight efficiencies while reducingemissions. Since 2004, SmartWay has been helpingour partners achieve morewith market-basedincentivesand innovative technologies to save fuel and reduce emissions.SmartWay Partners have saved$55.4billion on fuel costs and prevented thereleaseofmorethan 169 million metric tons of carbon dioxide, thelargest source of greenhouse gas.With theSmartWay Program,freight transport is becoming moreefficient, as well as environmentally friendly and sociallyresponsible. In the program's 20th year,there aremorethan 4,000 SmartWayPartners,and more companies keepjoining.Learnall thebenefitsofbeing aSmartWayPartner at epa.gov/smartway. YEAR Y Anyway youshipit, ship it theSmartWay A A NNIVERS Rhttp://www.epa.gov/smartway