GUAC IS ALWAYS GOOD FALL FOOTBALL ALWAYS A GOOD PLAY This playoffisloadedwithmoregames,almost doublethe audience1 and partnershipswithESPN andSEC Network -all addinguptoa bigscore for your store. SCANforall the exciting details BIGGAME ALWAYS A GOOD BOWL WITHGRONKGRONK Gear up forthe ultimateBig Gameparty with a bigbowlof Gronkamole and4xBig Game champion andambassadorofgood times, RobGronkowski. Formoreinformation,contact your Avocados From Mexico RegionalDirectororvisit All elements, creative andpartnerships subject to change. Source: 1. ESPN Press Room (January 10, 2024) ESPNDeliversRecordViewership Across College FootballPlayoff and NewYear's Six. ROBGRONKOWSKI ProFootball Superstarand Guac Lover